Sunday, April 1, 2012

Peep Sushi For Dinner

We finally made our own peep sushi. We have been excited about it since we last blogged about it. We went to Von's to get the supplies: peeps, fruit roll ups, and rice krispy treats. The only problem is my uncle Chris ate all the pink birds so we only have one in the picture! We went over to our good friend's house in Santa Barbara and made the peep sushi last night. Here is our creation:

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Movie Night in our room!

For the last few days we have been homebound because our dad got his tonsils out (whole other ball of wax!).  To help our dad recover, we had movie morning, day, and night for three days straight. We put our twin beds together, borrowed our friend's movie projector, and BAM, we had a movie theater in our room! It is free fun for the whole family and gives us time to hang out...just the cost of the movie rental!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Got Peeps?

Final Product!
poor birds!
look what we found!!! Lauren Conrad made this up
( we like her style even though we don't really know her)
This is a perfect Easter gift for those sushi lovers out there! =)
speaking of sushi Surf's favorite sushi  roll is crunch roll but Skate doesn't really like sushi. But our mom thinks he'll like peep sushi better. Find this recipe at

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Surf Advisory

Once my BFF did'nt get invited to a party. The night before the party the girl our best friend and I had a sleepover. When her grandpa came to pick her up it seemed like she was jealous so she asked us why I was staying longer . We did'nt tell her we were going to a party but she soon found out. The point is that even though you don't want a friend to feel left out , honesty is the best policy.

About Surf and Skate

 We are the twins of the house. We are 8 years old adventurous and fun-loving kids. We love traveling and family time. We have a cat named Zorro and two hamsters, Clover and Jellybean. My mom just informed us of some tragic news about our frogs:( They died a month ago.

Our names are Surf and Skate because my dad knew we'd be good surfers and skaters and he's kinda right!
And one last thing...WE LIKE PIE!!!!